


一根内壁光滑,强度可靠的特制橡胶软管安装在泵体内部,通过一对压辊沿着软管旋转挤压,这样的 旋转使得介质往一个方向输送而不会倒流,软管在输送介质之后,由被压扁软管的自身弹性和侧导轮的强制下,软管恢复原状,此时,软管内产生高真空将介质再次吸入管腔,然后介质在随之而来的压辊挤压下从软管内排出,如此周而复始,介质不断的被吸入和排出。目前产品使用温度为≤100℃。根据用户需要可以开发使用温度在120℃的软管泵软管产品。
Working principle of hose pump:
A special rubber hose with a smooth inner wall and reliable strength is installed inside the pump body. It is rotated and squeezed along the hose by a pair of pressure rollers. This rotation allows the medium to be transported in one direction without flowing back. After that, due to the elasticity of the flattened hose and the force of the side guide wheels, the hose returns to its original state. At this time, a high vacuum is generated in the hose to suck the medium into the lumen again, and then the medium is pressed by the subsequent pressure roller. It is discharged from the hose under the squeeze, and so on and on, the medium is continuously sucked in and discharged. The current product temperature is ≤100 ℃. According to user needs, we can develop hose pump hose products with a temperature of 120 ℃.

软管泵分类<br />
软管泵分单作用及双作用两种型式。<br />
单作用式软管泵在活塞往复运动的一个循环中仅完成一次吸排水动作。而双作用式软管泵每往复一次完成两次吸排水动作。若按软管泵的缸数分类:有单缸、双缸及三缸3种。<br />
污水软管泵是单级单吸立式离心泵,主要部件有蜗壳、叶轮、泵座、泵壳、支撑筒、电机座、电动机等组成。蜗壳、泵座、电机座、叶轮螺母是生铁铸造、耐腐蚀性较好,加工工艺方便。叶轮为三片单园弦弯叶,选用半封闭叶轮,并采用可锻铸铁、所以强度高,耐腐蚀;加工方便,通过性好,效率高。为了减轻重量和减少车削量、泵轴是优质碳素钢冷拉园钢制造。软管泵座中装有四只骨架油封和轴套,防止轴磨损,延长轴的使用寿命。<br />!
